Jeff Tarrant

Jeff Tarrant

Dr. Tarrant is a licensed psychologist in Oregon. He is board certified in neurofeedback, is a Global Neurotherapy Initiative (GNI) Instructor, and a certified NMI Trainer.

Nicole Brule’

Nicole Brule’

Nicole Brule’, Ph.D., is a psychologist practitioner of mindfulness and acceptance-based interventions including Acceptance and Commitment Therapy. She is an NMI Instructor in Eugene, Oregon..

Normen Schack

Normen Schack

Normen Schack is a certified occupational therapist and naturopath in Hannover, Germany. Normen has been working with neurofeedback and biofeedback and has certifications as a QEEG Expert, Neurofeedback, Peak Performance, and NeuroMeditation Instructor. Currently, Normen is the Director of one of the largest neurofeedback institutes in Germany. 

Stephanie H. Best

Stephanie H. Best

Stephanie H. Best, Ph.D., HSP-P, is an expert practitioner of mindfulness and acceptance-based interventions including Acceptance and Commitment Therapy. She is an NMI Trainer in North Carolina.

Angela Faulk

Angela Faulk

Angela Faulk MS hold 2 masters degrees, one in neuroscience from the University of Alabama at Birmingham and the second in special education from Portland State University. She is a certified NeuroMeditation Yoga Instructor (NMYI).

Heather Hargraves

Heather Hargraves

Heather Hargraves, MA is a trauma therapist and researcher in London, Ontario, Canada. Heather specializes in the use of neuro and biofeedback technologies to support a broad range of neurologically and/or psychologically traumatized clients within her clinical practice. She is a certified NMI Instructor.

Erika Patterson

Erika Patterson

Dr. Patterson is a licensed psychologist in Oregon, where she is in full time private practice, offering individual therapy, trauma recovery groups, and NeuroMeditation classes. She is a certified NMI Instructor.

Mary Jane Schaftel

Mary Jane Schaftel

Mary Jane Schaftel is a licensed Registered Nurse, certified Health and Wellness Coach, educator, and certified NMI Trainer in Colorado.