Dr. Tarrant is a licensed psychologist in Oregon. He is board certified in neurofeedback, is a Global Neurotherapy Initiative (GNI) Instructor, and a certified NMI Trainer.
NeuroMeditation Institute Providers
Dr. Tarrant is a licensed psychologist in Oregon. He is board certified in neurofeedback, is a Global Neurotherapy Initiative (GNI) Instructor, and a certified NMI Trainer.
Nicole Brule’, Ph.D., is a psychologist practitioner of mindfulness and acceptance-based interventions including Acceptance and Commitment Therapy. She is an NMI Instructor in Eugene, Oregon..
Normen Schack is a certified occupational therapist and naturopath in Hannover, Germany. Normen has been working with neurofeedback and biofeedback and has certifications as a QEEG Expert, Neurofeedback, Peak Performance, and NeuroMeditation Instructor. Currently, Normen is the Director of one of the largest neurofeedback institutes in Germany.
Stephanie H. Best, Ph.D., HSP-P, is an expert practitioner of mindfulness and acceptance-based interventions including Acceptance and Commitment Therapy. She is an NMI Trainer in North Carolina.
Angela Faulk MS hold 2 masters degrees, one in neuroscience from the University of Alabama at Birmingham and the second in special education from Portland State University. She is a certified NeuroMeditation Yoga Instructor (NMYI).
Heather Hargraves, MA is a trauma therapist and researcher in London, Ontario, Canada. Heather specializes in the use of neuro and biofeedback technologies to support a broad range of neurologically and/or psychologically traumatized clients within her clinical practice. She is a certified NMI Instructor.
Dr. Patterson is a licensed psychologist in Oregon, where she is in full time private practice, offering individual therapy, trauma recovery groups, and NeuroMeditation classes. She is a certified NMI Instructor.
Mary Jane Schaftel is a licensed Registered Nurse, certified Health and Wellness Coach, educator, and certified NMI Trainer in Colorado.